List item(s) for sale.



  • coin_value is in coincents, so 100.01 coins is represented as 10001
  • coin_value should be the price you want to list at. If you want to list at 100.01 coins, you should set coin_value to 10001. See below for how to calculate the coin value.
  • You should be chunking these requests into groups of 20, but it's not required. If you don't chunk, you'll list slower and hit ratelimits more often.
  • Individual deposit states will be announced to the websocket, so monitor it to see when your items are listed. Errors will use the key deposit_failed and will contain the item id and error message.
percent = 5
market_price = 10001
price = round(market_price * (percent/100+1))
item = {
    "id": 3731677705,
    "coin_value": price
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!