To authenticate you need to emit identify event with the below data.

  1. Load user data via metadata endpoint

    • uid is your user id ( from metadata)
    • token is socket_token from the medata
  2. Add uid and token parameters to the connection query string

  3. After connected emit identify event

Payload for the identify event should be:

    "uid": <>,
    "model": { ...metadata.user },
    "authorizationToken": <metadata.socket_token>,
    "signature": <metadata.token_signature>,
    "uuid": <optional_uuidv4_device_identifier>


Once you've been identified, you're required to submit the default filters to receive item updates:

  • In most languages, this will look something like emit('filters', {'price_max': 9999999});
    "price_max": 9999999
      "registration_timestamp":"2016-07-27 23:20:03",